Our feed and animal division is spread across Northwest Ohio, primarily in Oakwood and Fort Recovery, Ohio. with more than 400 family contract growers spread even further. Within the division, we:
ā¢ Hatch over 15 million poults
ā¢ Over 200,000 breeder hens
ā¢ Start 7 million tom turkeys/year
ā¢ Produce 1 million antibiotic-free tom turkeys/year
ā¢ 34,300 sows
ā¢ Wean over 825,000 piglets
ā¢ Raise over 210 million live pounds of hogs/year
ā¢ 11 hog breeding farms
ā¢ Cooper Farms contracts with 122 family hog farmers
ā¢ 5.5 million laying hens
ā¢ 6.2 million pullets
ā¢ Produce over 130 million dozen table eggs/year
ā¢ Cooper Farms contracts with 67 family chicken farmers
ā¢ Purchase over 19 million bushels of corn/year
ā¢ Purchase over 185,000 tons of soybean meal/year
ā¢ Produce over 1,000,000 tons of feed/year
ā¢ Produce 19,132 tons of feed/week between all mills