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Cooper Farms Releases First-Ever Corporate Social Responsibility Report

OAKWOOD, OHIO — Cooper Farms was built on a foundation of giving back and doing things the right way. It’s also been the goal to maintain those values and make them better than the way they were found. Now, all of these efforts have been compiled into the first-ever Corporate Social Responsibility Report.

The 60-page document covers topics of environmental stewardship, animal care, community involvement and food innovation. The company has been known for these things for years, but Corporate Communications Manager, Cassie Jo Arend, believes this is a great opportunity to be transparent.

“Everyone knows Cooper Farms is heavily involved in the area communities, whether it be through monetary or food donations or supporting local organizations,” she said. “But this book will be packed with facts and figures that really put into perspective what we have the pleasure to do every year.”

COO Gary Cooper is excited that this report also reveals the intangibles, like the efforts put into reducing the company’s environmental impact, whether it be in the plant locations or the multiple company-owned farms.

“Between all of our different locations and farms, we own a large amount of land, and we do a lot of things to take care of that land,” Cooper said. “This responsibility report reveals a lot of those steps we take to make the land better for the future than the way we found it.”

To view the report in its entirety, visit